Format: download
only Label:
Back Lot Music Release
date: August 23, 2024 Total Time:
59:06 Availability: Amazon, Amazon UK, iTunes

Format: 5CD, Limited edition Label
: Intrada Records Release date: August 6, 2024 Total Time:
246:00 Availability: Intrada,
Music Box, SAE |

Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
Music Box Records Release date: March 18, 2024 Total Time:
37:00 Availability: Music Box, Intrada, SAE |
Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
La-La Land Records Release date: December 5, 2023 Total
Time: 42:33 Availability: La-La
Land , Music Box, Intrada
Format: CD Label:
Lionsgate Records Release date: December 18, 2007 Total
Time: 47:10 Availability: Amazon US, Amazon UK, iTunes |
Format: CD, Limited edition, OOP Label:
La-La Land Records Release date: April 21, 2015 Total
Time: 62:44 Availability: contact me, Amazon
US |

Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
MovieScore Media Release date: December 16, 2014 Total
Time: 58:59 Availability: contact me, SAE, iTunes

Format: Limited edition of 500
copies Label: Quartet Records / MovieScore Media Release
date: June 13, 2022 Total Time:
61:26 Availability: Quartet, Intrada, Music Box |

CD Label: Curb Records Release
date: May 18, 2001 Total Time: 43:47
(score 3:08) Availability: Amazo US, Amazon UK, iTunes |
CD Label: Sony Classical Release
date: August 5, 2016 Total Time:
66:28 Availability: Amazon DE, Amazon UK, iTunes |

Format: download
only Label: Pianella Music Release
date: February 11, 2022 Total Time:
9:37 Availability: Amazon, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

CD Label: EMI Release date:
March 18, 2002 Total Time: 58:42 (score
3:03) Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon UK |

CD Label: Varese Sarabande Release
date: June 4, 2002 Total Time:
33:47 Availability: Amazon US, Varese, iTunes |

Format: Limited
edition of 500
copies Label: Quartet Records Release
date: June 13, 2022 Total
Time: 65:16 Availability: Quartet, Intrada, Music Box |

CD Label: Sony Classical Release
date: October 18, 2013 Total Time:
48:57 Availability: Amazon US, Amazon UK, iTunes |
CD Label: Koch Records Release
date: April 11, 2000 Total Time:
51:51 Availability: Amazon US, Amazon UK |

CD Label: Image Entertainment Release
date: February 15, 2005 Total Time:
53:32 (score 3:42) Availability: Amazon US, Amazon UK |
CD Label: Silva Screen
Records Release date: May 7,
2005 Total Time: 70:44 (score
9:17) Availability: Amazon UK |
CD Label: Milan Records Release
date: June 11, 2002 Total Time: 42:59
(score 26:01) Availability: Amazon US, Amazon UK, iTunes |

Format: download
only Label: Play-Time Release
date: April 15, 2008 Total Time: 39:46
(score 31:22) Availability: Amazon FR, iTunes |

Format: download
only Label: Lakeshore Records Release
date: August 23, 2011 Total Time:
54:55 Availability: Amazon US, iTunes |

Format: CD, Limited
edition Label: Varese
Sarabande Release date: July 24,
2020 Total Time:
77:27 Availability: Varese, Varese UK |
Format: download
only Label: Lionsgate Records Release
date: January 29, 2008 Total Time:
47:22 Availability: iTunes |

Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
Intrada Records Release date: March 7, 2023 Total Time:
91:59 Availability: Intrada, SAE, Music Box


Format: CD Label:
Sony Classical Release date: July 31, 2015 Total
Time: 66:29 Availability: Amazon US, Amazon UK, iTunes

Format: download only Label:
Milan Records Release date: July 2, 2021 Total
Time: 44:52 Availability: Amazon, iTunes,
UK |

Format: download only Label:
Milan Records Release date: July 9, 2021 Total
Time: 39:15 Availability: Amazon,
UK |

Format: download only Label:
Milan Records Release date: July 16, 2021 Total
Time: 43:24 Availability: Amazon,
UK |

Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: December 7, 2004 Total Time:
40:07 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon UK, iTunes |

Format: download
only Label: Pianella Music Release
date: February 25, 2022 Total Time:
14:37 Availability: Amazon, Amazon
UK, iTunes

Format: download only Label: Fox
Music Release
date: November 15, 2019 Total
Time: 39:28 Availability: Amazon,
UK, iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Node Records Release date: February 22, 2019 Total
Time: 50:09 Availability: Amazon
US, SAE. iTunes |

Format: CD Label: Sony
Classical Release
date: September 9, 2014 Total Time: 50:27 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon UK, iTunes
Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: March 25, 2016 Total Time:
74:58 Availability: contact me, Amazon US, iTunes
Format: CD Label:
Sony Classical Release date: February 19, 2013 Total
Time: 64:52 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon UK, iTunes

Format: CD Label:
Silva Screen Records Release date: April 6, 2015 Total Time:
63:57 Availability: Amazon US, Amazon UK, iTunes |


Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: April 6, 2004 Total
Time: 45:06 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon UK, iTunes |

Format: CD, Limited edition, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: September 19, 2016 Total
Time: 122:24 Availability: SOLD OUT |

Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
Perseverance Records Release date: June 16, 2022 Total
Time: 48:04 Availability: Perseverance,
Box |
Format: CD Label:
La-La Land Records Release date: August 25, 2015 Total
Time: 57:28 Availability: Amazon US, La-La
Land, iTunes


Format: CD Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: December 9, 2014 Total
Time: 45:45 Availability: contact
me, Varese,
iTunes |
Format: CD Label:
Lakeshore Records Release date: January 19, 2010 Total
Time: 31:14 Availability: Amazon US, Amazon UK, iTunes |

Format: CD-R on demand Label:
Sony Music / Milan Records Release date: April 2, 2021 Total
Time: 51:43 Availability: Amazon,
UK, iTunes
Format: CD Label:
Decca Records Release date: 2002 Total
Time: 60:24 (score 46:58) Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |


Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: July 20, 2004 Total
Time: 44:11 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon UK, iTunes |
Format: CD, Limited edition, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: September 9, 2009 Total
Time: 35:08 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |
Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: October 2, 2001 Total
Time: 30:40 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes

Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: March 30, 2009 Total
Time: 65:43 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes


Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: April 30, 2021 Total
Time: 114:23 (111:40) Availability: Varese,
UK, Music
Box |

Format: download only Label:
Pianella Music Release date: February 18, 2022 Total
Time: 53:13 Availability: Amazon,
UK, iTunes
Format: CD Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: June 26, 2007 Total
Time: 63:17 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon UK, iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Lakeshore Records Release date: March 31, 2017 Total
Time: 57:44 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes


Format: download only Label:
Lionsgate Records Release date: May 17, 2019 Total
Time: 27:51 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: CD. Limited edition Label:
Quartet Records Release date: October 30, 2020 Total
Time: 46:31 Availability: Quartet,
Intrada, iTunes

Format: CD Label:
Walt Disney Records Release date: November 15, 2019 Total
Time: 39:48 (10:33) Availability: Amazon
UK, iTunes

Format: CD, Limited edition, OOP Label:
Quartet Records / MovieScore Media Release date: April 20, 2018 Total
Time: 60:21 Availability: contact me, Amazon
US, iTunes

Format: CD Label:
La-La Land Records Release date: November 4, 2008 Total
Time: 44:41 Availability: Amazon
US, La-La
Land |

Format: CD Label:
EMI Release
date: April 24, 2009 Total Time: 63:56 Availability: Amazon US, Amazon
UK |

Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: September 2, 1997 Total
Time: 32:03 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: CD, Limited edition, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: October 24, 2011 Total
Time: 72:45 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK |


Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: November 18, 2022 Total
Time: 72:45 Availability: Varese,
Box |
Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: August 10, 1999 Total
Time: 30:52 (score 20:20) Availability: Amazon US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Silva Screen Records Release date: October 25, 2019 Total
Time: 68:18 Availability: Amazon
US, iTunes |
Format: download only Label:
Reaativity Music Group Release date: October 1, 2010 Total
Time: 35:09 Availability: Amazon
US, iTunes |


Format: download only Label:
Lakeshore Records Release date: August 20, 2021 Total
Time: 52:51 Availability: Amazon,
UK, iTunes
Format: CD Label:
Lakeshore Records Release date: October 2, 2015 Total
Time: 55:34 Availability: Amazon US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: download only Label :
Hollywood Records Release date: February 25, 2022 Total
Time: 43:28 Availability: Amazon, Amazon
UK, iTunes
Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: September 9, 2014 Total
Time: 61:33 Availability: Amazon
US, Varese,


Format: download only Label: Watertower Music Release
date: September 1, 2023 Total Time: 56:33 Availability: Amazon, Amazon
UK, iTunes |
Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: June 6, 2006 Total
Time: 55:50 Availability: Amazon
US, Varese,

Format: CD Label:
Rambling Records / Filmtrax Release date: November 15, 2023 Total
Time: 53:13 Availability: ArkSquare,
iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Milan Records Release date: June 29, 2018 Total
Time: 48:16 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |


Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
La-La Land Records Release date: May 25, 2021 Total
Time: 38:34 Availability: La-La
Land, Intrada, Music
Box |
Format: CD, Limited edition, OOP Label:
Intrada Records Release date: April 14, 2015 Total
Time: 79:12 Availability: Amazon
US |

Format: download only Label:
Back Lot Music Release date: April 14, 2023 Total
Time: 61:09 Availability: Amazon, Amazon
UK, iTunes
Format: CD Label:
Relativity Music Group Release date: March 23, 2010 Total
Time: 41:51 (score 2:28) Availability: Amazon US, Amazon UK, iTunes |


Format: CD Label:
Roadrunner Records Release date: March 17, 2002 Total
Time: 72:40 (score 13:56) Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK |

Format: CD (Deluxe edition) Label:
Entertainment One Music Release date: November 22, 2019 Total
Time: 42:28 (37:33) Availability: Amazon
US, iTunes

Format: CD Label:
TVT Records Release date: December 17, 1996 Total
Time: 46:13 (score 3:26) Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK |

Format: CD, Limited edition, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: June 6, 2011 Total
Time: 63:44 Availability: Amazon
US |

Format: CD Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: July 14, 1998 Total
Time: 29:58 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |
Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: October 24, 2016 Total
Time: 77:00 (score 73:35) Availability: Varese
Format: CD Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: February 29, 2000 Total
Time: 35:54 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Lakeshore Records Release date: April 12, 2011 Total
Time: 35:44 (score 6:59) Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: April 19, 2011 Total
Time: 61:53 Availability: Amazon
US, Varese,
iTunes |

Format: CD, LP. Limited
edition Label: Varese Sarabande Release
date: January 7, 2022 Total Time: 348:49 Availability: Varese,
UK, Music
Box |

Format: CD Label:
Lakeshore Records Release date: November 13, 2012 Total
Time: 24:29 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |
Format: CD, Limited edition, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: September 21, 2015 Total
Time: 73:05 Availability: Amazon
US |


Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
Quartet Records / MovieScore Media Release date: November 5, 2021 Total
Time: 65:16 Availability: Amazon,
UK, iTunes

Format: CD Label:
Back Lot Release date: November 3, 2017 Total
Time: 49:51 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |
Format: CD Label: CJ
E&M Release
date: August 27, 2013 Total Time: 56:04 Availability: Amazon
US |
Format: CD, OOP Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: July 22, 2014 Total
Time: 55:57 Availability: contact
me, Amazon
US, iTunes |


Format: CD-R on demand, OOP Label:
Madison Gate Records Release date: April 20, 2011 Total
Time: 45:46 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |
Format: CD Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: June 24, 2003 Total
Time: 51:24 (score 48:12) Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: October 11, 2011 Total
Time: 55:48 Availability: Amazon
US, Varese,
Format: CD Label:
Recall Music Release date: January 31, 2006 Total
Time: 54:17 (score 31:42) Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK |

Format: CD Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: October 16, 2012 Total
Time: 42:36 Availability: Amazon US, Varese,
iTunes |

Format: download only Label:
Hollywood Records Release date: January 10, 2020 Total
Time: 43:59 Availability: Amazon,
UK, iTunes |
Format: CD Label:
Lakeshore Records Release date: February 21, 2006 Total
Time: 75:55 (score 67:37) Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Sony Classical Release date: October 15, 2021 Total
Time: 67:41 Availability: Amazon,
UK, iTunes |


Format: CD, Limited edition Label:
La-La Land Records Release date: July 20, 2021 Total
Time: 46:56 Availability: La-La
Land, Intrada, Music
Box |
Format: CD Label:
Red River Entertainment Release date: June 11, 2013 Total
Time: 58:18 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |
Format: CD Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: September 12, 2000 Total
Time: 60:10 (score 45:43) Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: download only Label:
Back Lot Music Release date: September 18, 2020 Total
Time: 53:04 (46:00) Availability: Amazon,
UK, iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Sony Classical Release date: July 19, 2013 Total
Time: 58:42 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |
Format: CD Label:
Silva Screen Records Release date: March 12, 2012 Total
Time: 55:38 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: January 6, 2015 Total
Time: 38:42 Availability: Amazon
US, Varese,
iTunes |

Format: CD Label:
Warner Bros. Release date: June 18, 2013 Total
Time: 44:24 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes |

Format: Vinyl Label:
Music on Vinyl / At the Movies Release date: March 20, 2012 Total
Time: 48:57 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK |

Format: Vinyl, OOP Label:
Gaumont Release
date: December 19, 2018 Total
Time: 37:00 Availability: Amazon
FR, iTunes
Format: Vinyl Label:
Music on Vinyl / At the Movies Release date: October 12, 2015 Total
Time: 66:29 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK |

Format: Vinyl Label:
Waxworks Records Release date: Winter 2021 Total
Time: 44:52+39:15+43:24 Availability: Waxworks,
Box |


Format: Vinyl Label:
Node Records Release date: July 19, 2019 Total
Time: 50:09 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK |
Format: Vinyl Label:
Music on Vinyl / At the Movies Release date: October 27, 2014 Total
Time: 50:27 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK |

Format: Vinyl Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: July 13, 2018 Total
Time: 45:06 Availability: Amazon
US |

Format: Vinyl Label:
Walt Disney Records Release date: December 13, 2019 Total
Time: 39:48 (10:33) Availability: Amazon
UK, Amazon
US (US version) |


Format: Vinyl Label:
Lakeshore Records Release date: August 4, 2017 Total
Time: 59:14 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK, iTunes

Format: Vinyl Label:
Death Waltz Recording Release date: November 30, 2018 Total
Time: 48:16 Availability: Amazon
US, Mondo

Format: Vinyl Label:
Death Waltz Recording Release date: September 29, 2021 Total
Time: 38:34 Availability: Amazon US, Mondo

Format: Vinyl Label: Waxworks Records Release
date: September 1, 2023 Total Time: 61:09 Availability: Amazon US, Waxworks |

Format: Vinyl Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: September 16, 2016 Total
Time: 29:58 Availability: Amazon
US, Varese

Format: Vinyl Label:
Varese Sarabande Release date: June 10, 2022 Total
Time: TBA Availability: Varese,
UK, Amazon

Format: Vinyl Label:
Music on Vinyl Release date: 14 January, 2022 Total
Time: TBA Availability: Amazon,
UK |

Format: Vinyl (PICTUREDISC ONLY) Label:
Spacelab9 Release date: 2015 Total
Time: 58:42 Availability: Amazon
US |


Format: Vinyl Label:
Warner Bros. Release date: July 16, 2013 Total
Time: 44:24 Availability: Amazon
US, Amazon
UK |